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Octavian tipped for second business award of 2013

April 23, 2013

One of the UK’s leading security providers, Octavian Security, has been announced as a finalist for the Nottingham Post Business Awards.

The company, which was founded in Nottingham and operates throughout the UK, has been shortlisted for the Services Award. It beat hundreds of other entrants to the position.

Octavian will find out whether it has won the award on 25 April, at a ceremony held at Alea Casino in Nottingham.

“This reflects a lot of hard work from everyone at Octavian, and we’re very pleased to be shortlisted as a finalist,” said commercial director Tony Mellor.

“2013 shaping up to be a very good year for us. We have already won one award and we hope that this will be a second.”

Founder and CEO Sukhi Ghuman won the award for Excellence in Customer Service at the Asian Achievers Awards 2013 in London last month.

For more information on Octavian Security visit www.octaviangr.com.

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