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A message to the Security Industry from the Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Specialist Operations in the Metropolitan Polic

March 27, 2017

The UK threat level has been severe for some time and this level will not change.

The level of threat is complex and ranges from lone actors intent on carrying out crude attacks to sophisticated networks pursuing ambitious and coordinated plots;

As always, we advise the public to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious behaviour or activity to the Anti Terrorism Hotline on 0800 789 321 or in an emergency the public should always call 999. Please reinforce that to your workforce.

I appreciate that you have responsibility for the security of buildings and therefore a large number of people. It is important at times such as these that the police security stance and that of the private security sector is joined up.

As a result, we are recommending that you consider some protective security tactics to aid your security at this time, whilst remembering that the threat level remains at SEVERE.

We know that terrorists will undertake hostile scouting ahead of conducting an attack and increased vigilance by staff and the creation of a hostile environment combats such hostile inspection. Please refresh the knowledge of staff that have received Project Griffin and Project Argus training and deploy staff who have received training in behavioural detection (where you have them).

Please be proactive in challenging visitors, vehicles and anything out of place and consider the following options from our Stakeholder Menu of Options, particularly around crowded place, night time economy and iconic sites.

  • Review patrol strategy (be unpredictable).  Adopt high visibility clothing.
  • Brigade resources with neighbouring contracts/buildings
  • Report any suspicious activity in a timely manner. Early reporting of suspected hostile reconnaissance is vital in combating terrorism
  • Implement communication links with surrounding premises to pass on information about suspicious activity/behaviour
  • Consider closing non-essential access and egress points
  • Focus CCTV on all communal areas and vulnerable points
  • Ensure CCTV is fit for purpose

This is not an exclusive list and I recommend you look at the full menu and consider any other options that suit your premises or organisation.

Please review your building and business continuity plans in the light of this attack. You should ensure that first aid points are fully stocked and the location of key equipment is made clear to all staff. We also recommend that staff are directed to the Citizen Aid app and Run, Hide, Tell on YouTube. The number of casualties treated by the public highlights the importance of understanding first aid.

NaCTSO has refreshed its latest guidance on recognising the terrorist threat and I would recommend you access this at www.nactso.gov.uk

The following links provide additional useful information that may assist when deploying the tactical options:







Please also carry out your own reviews of security levels and some of you will have innovative and new ways of delivering protective security, which you may wish to share with other partners. If you deploying such tactics and are willing to share them, please forward them to NaCTSO who will circulate them.  Please contact them on [email protected]

Lucy D’Orsi,

Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Specialist Operations, Metropolitan Police

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