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Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Security Sector

May 15, 2023

The Security Minds Matter project aims to make a positive difference to Mental Health and Wellbeing in the security sector.  Independent, but supported by the SIA, they aim to keep awareness of mental ill health high and reduce stigma.

How can you help?

Security Minds Matter have designed cards to help share resources and are inviting companies to get them printed with their own logos on to distribute to colleagues, customers etc.  A sample card can be downloaded here  SMM Card blank wm

For further information contact [email protected]

Please follow on Twitter @SecMindsmatter and on LinkedIn.



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The ACS Pacesetters is an independent initiative linked to FM Contract Watch LLP and is not being sponsored by The SIA

If you're interested in any of our services contact us on 01844 260 350