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Last Thursday (20 June) Steven Nixon (47) of Portadown and owner of Eventsafe Security was imprisoned for four months. Mr Nixon ignored his 100-hours community service order which was part of the sentence handed to him at Antrim Crown Court on 12 December 2018.
Last December following our prosecution Nixon was sentenced to nine-month’s imprisonment for fraud, and three months for supplying unlicensed security operatives. Both jail sentences were suspended for three years and he was also required to do 100-hours unpaid work. At the time the judge, Her Honour Judge McReynolds warned Nixon of the implications of his non-compliance with the community service order.
Following sentencing in December there were repeated attempts by Probation Services to engage Nixon regarding the completion of his community service obligation and he avoided contact with them. He missed an induction interview and was sent a warning letter at the end of December and a final warning letter in January.
We are pursuing the confiscation of Nixon’s assets under the Proceeds of Crime Act (2002). He will appear before a hearing at Antrim Crown Court on September 9, 2019.
If you're interested in any of our services contact us on 01844 260 350