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Breakdown of SIA Licences issued by Sector and Gender

April 12, 2017

We have collated the following statistics with regard to the numbers of individuals who hold current Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licences as of March 2017.

According to the SIA website there were 317,416 licensed individuals, however, some held more than one current licence resulting in a total of 362,176 licences being held at that time.  In January 2017, there was a breakdown of licences by gender and it was found that just 9% of licence holders were female.  Assuming there was no vast change between January and March, this shows that a total of just 32,596 SIA licences were issued to females working in the industry.

It is also interesting to find that 59% of all licences issued were for the Door Supervision sector and 22.3% for Security Guarding, however; this is no doubt due to the fact that a Door Supervisor can work as a Security Officer, but an individual with a Security Guarding licence cannot work as a Door Supervisor.  The percentage of licences issued to other sectors are:  Key Holding 0.2%, Close Protection 4.2%, Public Space Surveillance (CCTV) 12.4% and Cash and Valuables in Transit 1.8%.

All of these statistics were provided under the Freedom of Information Act and are currently available on the SIA website.

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The ACS Pacesetters is an independent initiative linked to FM Contract Watch LLP and is not being sponsored by The SIA

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